Multi-cloud is where everyone wants to be – Rackspace EMEA CTO, Lee James

Multi-cloud is where everyone wants to be – Rackspace EMEA CTO, Lee James 1024 681 C-Suite Network
rackspace cloud

Which cloud do you like the sound of? Hybrid or Multi?

VMworld Europe came and went just a short time ago with Pat Gelsinger CEO of VMware continuing to outline the company’s plans to create the best hybrid cloud solution by connecting businesses through a new era of the cloud with seamless technology following VMware’s aim to allow customers to access the cloud, anywhere, on any device and at any time, at least that’s how the pitch goes.

During the three day conference in Barcelona, CBR got a chance to speak to the new Chief Technology Officer at Rackspace, Lee James about his new role, Rackspace’s vision and where he sees the cloud heading in the future.

Coming from a background of customer engagements at BP, Lee James was excitable from the outset to talk about Rackspace and the opportunities it presents to businesses and their customers.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Becoming Rackspace’s EMEA CTO just a few weeks ago, James explained the wide portfolio of capabilities the company offers its customer explaining the multi-cloud offering Rackspace provides for its customers and how they’re at the heart of his vision.

Multi-cloud is where everyone wants to be – Rackspace EMEA CTO, Lee James
Lee James pushes Multi-Cloud & Rackspace’s vision

James began and said: “We’ve got such a great portfolio of capabilities, coupled with our fanatical support we’ve almost got everything for everybody in terms of cloud offering then our ability in terms of professional services to stitch those solutions together I think is going to be fantastic.

“What’s really key for me is making sure that our customers understand our portfolio, how it’s going to drive those business outcomes for them and how we can deliver a multi cloud solution for them whether it’s off premise or on premise, making sure they understand the benefits of all our portfolio but most importantly to couple that with all the support as well.”

It’s no secret that there is a lot of big names offering cloud solutions for customers, but James outlines that Rackspace will offer multi-cloud to its customers, benefitting customers and giving…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media