Nest Labs Tech Chief on What Robots Can Do Better Than Humans

Nest Labs Tech Chief on What Robots Can Do Better Than Humans 720 480 C-Suite Network

Unlike some skeptics, Yoky Matsuoka believes that today’s cutting-edge robots won’t lead to a dystopian future in which machines enslave mankind.

“I work with robots all the time,” said Matsuoka, the CTO of Alphabet-owned (goog, -0.27%) home automation company Nest Labs. “The advancements we are making are great, but we still have a long way to go” before creating robots like those featured in Hollywood movies that can speak, think, walk, and move like humans.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Speaking Monday at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo., Matsuoka explained that the kinds of robots that will likely be developed in the next 10 years will do a fantastic job performing repetitive tasks.

“We suck at repetitive things,” said Matsuoka, giving the example of lifting heavy objects, like airline workers who…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media