New council provides innovative strategies to reduce healthcare expenses and increase productivity for any business

New council provides innovative strategies to reduce healthcare expenses and increase productivity for any business 1024 536 C-Suite Network

The C-Suite Network, the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, and Health and Wellness Council Chairman, Brian Hazelgren, are announcing the launch of a new executive council, the Health & Wellness Council, to provide executives with solutions to reduce healthcare expenses and increase productivity. The Council adds to the impressive and growing list of councils the network makes accessible exclusively to business executives.

The Council is dedicated to educating members on how to maximize their healthcare and well-being options on well-established employer initiatives to cut costs, and dramatically increase productivity. The Council’s purpose is to show corporate leaders how to tie wellness into the overall corporate strategy by introducing them to innovative products and services pertaining to their health and well-being.

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Brian Hazelgren, CEO of RX2Live, has been asked to spearhead the Health & Wellness Council for the C-Suite Network. “The creation and access of best practices of health and wellness will bring thought leaders together to come up with meaningful solutions challenging business leaders,” said Hazelgren. “The Council offers solutions to businesses by making health and wellness fun with metrics that measure effectiveness and drive down healthcare costs, decrease workers’ comp claims, and increase productivity.”

The C-Suite Network is focused on the professional success of their members through an online network that offers content tailored to the evolving needs of executives. Their goal is to provide operational excellence through business intel, training, networking and collaboration.

“I am always thinking of ways to provide the most value to our members and adding Brian and his council to the C-Suite Network family seems like a no-brainer,” said Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chairman and CEO of the C-Suite Network. “More people are looking for ways to get healthy and live longer, so health is top of mind for many across multiple generations.”

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