New Report Shows a 14% Median Gender Pay Gap Across U.K. WPP Agencies

New Report Shows a 14% Median Gender Pay Gap Across U.K. WPP Agencies 890 500 C-Suite Network

Holding company WPP released its U.K. Gender Pay Gap Report 2017 with results showing the realities around the lingering issue of pay inequality.

WPP released the report following new regulations from the U.K. government requiring all companies with 250 or more employees to report such information. The report shows a 14.6 percent median gender pay gap across WPP’s U.K. agencies with 250 or more employees, compared to a median gender pay gap of 18.4 percent across the U.K. for qualifying companies, according to the Office of National Statistics.

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“We welcome the government’s action on gender pay gap reporting, which will be a spur to further action by employers,” WPP U.K. country manager Karen Blackett said in a statement. “WPP does not struggle to attract female talent. We have a gender-balanced workforce and all our companies work hard to ensure everyone is treated equally and has the same opportunities to develop in their career.”

WPP reports a gender balance of 51 percent men and 49 percent women at its U.K. agencies.

“Nonetheless, in common with the industry as a whole, we need to do more to change the gender profile of our leadership teams if we are to close our pay gap,” Blackett added. “We are placing an even greater emphasis on the development of female leaders, which includes actively promoting best practice in recruitment, training, mentoring, parental leave and flexible working within our companies.”

WPP’s group mean pay gap for 2017 was 25.5 percent, with…

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