New Search Tool Helps Firms Find the Best B2B Software Fit

New Search Tool Helps Firms Find the Best B2B Software Fit 620 360 C-Suite Network

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Siftery on Thursday announced the launch of its new Product Alternatives search tool, which is designed to help companies find alternative B2B software products when replacements are needed.

The Product Alternatives tool allows users to search a database of more than 40,000 software options, Siftery said. Its artificial intelligence technology not only helps find suitable alternative products, but also ranks the various options. Recommendations take into account the products companies currently are using, as well as products that are in greater demand, based on trend data.

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“While we’re building a best-in-class dataset of B2B software products and the companies that use them, what’s even more interesting is building the tools and intelligence like this that can help more businesses find the software for their unique needs,” said Ayan Barua, chief technology officer at Siftery.

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Companies, on average, use 20 different types of software at a time, noted Gerry Colyer, head of growth at Siftery.

Large enterprises sometimes use hundreds of different types of software, he told the E-Commerce Times, which can lead to added expense, redundant spending and other inefficiencies that need to be analyzed.

Siftery’s engine uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to recommend the right software for a company, using specific algorithms based…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media