Performance Management For Product Life Management

Performance Management For Product Life Management 628 365 C-Suite Network

by Natalie LaFontaine

performance management

What if performance management wasn’t driven by sales? What would be your next measurable result indicator — Effective product development? A product’s lifespan? What if it had less to do with the phases of production and everything to do with how a company builds its skill set to orchestrate, communicate and manage development?

With an end goal of building capacity, what conversations are necessary to better navigate the direction of your organization? The answer, quite simply, is this: Performance management accountability will help you be better equipped to inspire rather than struggle.

Where does that even begin nowadays? The following are two resources to help clear up and lay down productive traction.

1. On-boarding
In her book, “42 Rules for Your New Leadership Role,” Pam Fox Rollin describes practical and effective actions for business leaders to make a strong start at their new VP, Director, or Manager jobs. Drawing from extensive interviews with corporate leaders, she provides the C-Suite with the manual no one handed them you when they received that promotion or offer letter. Organizations will want to use its details to discuss and design a proper on-boarding process.

2. IQ and EQ leadership balance
Simon Sinek says there is an order to communicating what you do; it is necessary to first lead with answering why. How you present and position this answer is far more compelling and relational. He claims the conversations you have rely upon structuring your “why, how and what.” Sinek’s featured TEDTalk paves the way for organizations to discuss and develop EQ leadership.

Setting the conditions for ways to focus, function and formulate objectives is essential for building the right conditions to grow. With a growing number of companies using executive coaches, team-building and personal management systems for capacity building and on-boarding readiness, engaging conditions for progress is critical. Establishing supportive structures for building the right conditions and communicating a product drives the numbers — bottom line.

Building the right conditions to perform is a big topic.  In order to “set the scene,” a special C-Suite Network series of articles explores the mechanisms that are proven useful. We want to hear from you, too. How does your company build its skill set to orchestrate, communicate and manage performance development? What works? What’s missing? Weigh in on Twitter @csuitenetwork.

Natalie LaFontaineNatalie LaFontaine, President of Natalie LaFontaine Consulting, LLC,  has pursued a career that has spanned the broadcasting, public relations, nonprofit and educational public and private sectors for more than two decades. Her zest leads with a common theme: an ability to organize, bring diverse groups together, re-energize programs, disseminate messaging, develop brands and bring original, innovative concepts to fruition. Her relational ability paves a productive path from big-picture concepts to detail-oriented strategies generating long-term value clients appreciate. Connect with her on Twitter @NatalieTweetsIt and visit