Philanthropy: When do you start?

Philanthropy: When do you start? 657 404 C-Suite Network
Philanthropy: When do you start?

In May 2017, Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates welcomed 14 new signatories to their Giving Pledge – an initiative started in 2010 whereby wealthy individuals commit to give away at least half of their wealth to good causes.

These fourteen latest pledges took the total number of billionaire philanthropists giving to causes such as refugee aid, medical research, global health, disaster relief, poverty reduction, agricultural research, environment and sustainability research, and arts and culture to 168 – that’s a whole lot of big bucks signed up to one initiative.

Why is there no Batman?

You’d think with all the money floating around at least one of these billionaires would have tried to become Batman by now! Although as cool as the caped crusader is, perhaps these individuals are demonstrating the insight and skill that made them so rich by donating to causes that will benefit all of mankind rather than entertain comic book fans with flashy vigilantism.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

We live in a complex world with some rather complex problems but that doesn’t mean they can’t be solved. Protecting the environment for future generations, investing in technology and the jobs of the future, ensuring our children have the same or better opportunities than we had, ensuring everyone has access to clean water and no community goes hungry. These issues are solvable thanks to philanthropy but we need more of it.

Encouraging philanthropy

Included in the new intake of generous billionaires is Australia’s own Leonard H Ainsworth, an…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media