[PRESS RELEASE] How Hard Would You Fight If You Had a Sliver of Hope?

[PRESS RELEASE] How Hard Would You Fight If You Had a Sliver of Hope? 427 640 C-Suite Network



New Episode of Best Seller TV features author Elijah Stacy discussing having an adaptor’s mindset and influencing over controlling situations


New York, NY, February 1, 2022 — Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV,  is announcing a new episode featuring Elijah Stacy, author of A Small If: The Inspiring Story of a Story of a 17-Year-Old with a Fatal Disease and A Mission To Cure It.


Stacy began writing his book at the age of 16 to show people how they can overcome their adversity and develop better mindsets. Despite his Duchenne muscular dystrophy disease diagnosis, he maintains a positive mindset and he says that the “small If” from his book comes from something his doctor told him when he was faced with the prospect of spinal surgery to correct his scoliosis.


He adds that when you’re in a wheelchair, people often think you can’t do something, which motivates him to prove them wrong.


Stacy says that writing the book made him learn so much about himself. This book will also help anyone dealing with adversity to become more resilient, more hopeful, inspired and motivated to live more fulfilling lives and push themselves towards greatness. The book includes 13 life lessons he has learned through his diagnosis including improving his self-image.


Stacy says that one of the major lessons he learned was how it was possible to see himself as a smart, confident individual capable of doing great things and not as a disabled person. His tough mental attitude can be credited to his parents. He adds, “I just don’t see the logic in being pessimistic. I see the logic in being a realist but I also see the logic in being an optimist because optimism leads to things being innovative, being accomplished…which is super important.”


One of the thirteen lessons that stands out in the book is number eleven – leadership. Stacy argues that it’s critical to be a leader to someone – even if it is to one person. It’s all about quality versus quantity. Another impactful lesson in the book is lesson nine – dichotomy of control. It states the difference between controlling something and influencing it, originating from the ancient stoics: focus on what you can control and disregard what we cannot control.


His optimism is contagious, despite being diagnosed with a fatal disease that has a life expentancy of 25 years. Stacy adds that “Every adversity is an opportunity to improve your character and be a stronger person.”


All episodes of Best Seller TV air on C-Suite TV and are hosted by TV personality, Taryn Winter Brill.


Best-selling author, speaker, and former Fortune 100 CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett created Best Seller TV to give top-tier business authors a forum for sharing thought-provoking insights, in-depth business analysis, and their compelling personal narratives.


“What an incredible story this young man has,” Hayzlett said. “This may not be your typical business book, but the lessons in it are certainly applicable to business. The way he sees the world, his determination, and courage are certainly inspiring. He continues to expand his comfort zones that is something we all need to do in business. The more we stretch ourselves, the more we grow and that’s a lesson we should all be learning.”


For more information on TV episodes, visit www.csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/tv and for more information about the authors featured in Best Seller TV episodes, visit www.c-suitebookclub.com.


How Hard Would You Fight If You Had a Sliver of Hope? 

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C-Suite TV, an entity of the C-Suite Network, is a web-based digital on-demand business channel featuring interviews and shows with business executives, thought leaders, authors and entrepreneurs providing news and information for business leaders. C-Suite TV is your go-to resource to find out the inside track on trends and discussions taking place in businesses today. This online channel is home to such shows as C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett, Executive Perspectives Live and Best Seller TV, and more. C-Suite TV is part of C-Suite Network, the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders. Connect with C-Suite TV on Twitter and Facebook.