Proactively Protecting Your Brand on Amazon

Proactively Protecting Your Brand on Amazon 730 350 C-Suite Network

One morning, you get a call from one of your long-time retailers, complaining that he’s found your products being sold on Amazon at prices 20% lower than what you seek to have across all of your sales channels. Your retailer tells you he is very frustrated that he’s being asked repeatedly by his walk-in customers to match these lower prices – something your retailer can’t afford to do.

If you’re like so many brands today, not only do you not recognize the name of this Amazon reseller, you have no idea how to go about figuring out a solution to stop this sort of situation from continuing. How do you make sure you know all of the resellers of your product on Amazon, and what do you need to do to tighten up your distribution efforts so you don’t have big leaks like this?

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work

As I explain in my book, The Amazon Marketplace Dilemma, it’s important to understand how Amazon looks at situations involving gray market sellers or resellers not authorized by the brand to sell on Amazon. The Amazon marketplace is an open marketplace, which means that anyone who can get their hands on practically any brand of product can get a third-party seller account to sell on Amazon. With only a few exceptions, Amazon will welcome anyone to sell, as long as the products aren’t counterfeit and are properly described to Amazon customers by the product listings.

Amazon also makes very clear to brands that that Amazon is not in the business of managing or enforcing a brand’s distribution policies – that is completely up to the brand…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work