Product Hunt founder: ‘Launching is not a one-time thing’

Product Hunt founder: ‘Launching is not a one-time thing’ 930 465 C-Suite Network

At Startupfest this week, there was one piece of advice that really resonated with me, and it came from Product Hunt founder Ryan Hoover. During an interview with TechCrunch’s Fitz Pepper, Hoover ended up downplaying what many startups naturally obsess about: the launch.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Hoover made a point to emphasize that startups should get their product out sooner rather than later. The important part is to have a small audience try it and then iterate based on their suggestions.

“Launching is a tactic,” Hoover said. “But oftentimes it’s better to find a few hundred users in your target market and get feedback from them. That doesn’t necessarily require a public launch.”

I’d like to add three simple rules:

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media