Reducing Healthcare Costs, The Billion Dollar Branding Blueprint, and Intentional Leadership

Reducing Healthcare Costs, The Billion Dollar Branding Blueprint, and Intentional Leadership 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV,  is announcing new episodes featuring Nelson Griswold, author of Breaking Through the Status Quo: How Innovative Companies are Changing the Benefits Game to Help Their Employees and Boost Their Bottom Line, Bernt Ullmann, author of The Billion Dollar Branding Blueprint: 7 Steps to Building a Brand and Accelerating Your Wealth and Dr. Gary McGrath, author of A CEO’s Journey: The 7 Steps of Intentional Leadership – Making Bosses Into Great Leaders.

Nelson Griswold, author of Breaking Through the Status Quo: How Innovative Companies are Changing the Benefits Game to Help Their Employees and Boost Their Bottom Line tackles a very timely topic: healthcare costs. Griswold argues that “healthcare has become the second or third largest P&L line item, for every company in America.” He adds that since 1960, the cost of healthcare has gone up every year and premiums have also gone up in aggregate in the same time span. Since 1999, employee wages have remained stagnant — only gone up 17 percent with inflation, and insurance premiums have skyrocketed almost 300 percent since then, too.

Griwsold states that the problem lies with insurance companies telling CEOs, CFOs and other decision makers they have no control over the cost of insurance. This is the biggest mistakes companies are making – they have adopted that mentality for so long but the tide is slowly turning with the rise of Next Gen Benefits Advisors. These advisors are the allies that companies need in order to help them get anywhere between twenty and sixty percent back into their bottom lines and lower their costs of healthcare. Griswold says that a “benefits revolution” is going on right now and these Next Gen advisors are saying “no more.” This book is mainly for c-suite leaders who have been told by insurance companies they have no control over healthcare costs, something Griwsold refers to as “healthcare’s big lie.”

Bernt Ullmann, author of The Billion Dollar Branding Blueprint: 7 Steps to Building a Brand and Accelerating Your Wealth says branding involves creating a name, symbol or design that consumers can easily identify a specific company or celebrity with. He explains the importance of having a memorable brand because, “In order to kind of evoke an emotion, in order to get a transaction, you need to connect with the consumer.” Ullmann has based his career as a CBA, which stands for Chief Brand (or Business) Accelerator, asserting his belief in the importance of having a brand.

Ullmann says he loves to create brands because it helps create something that’s lasting. He adds, “If you don’t have a brand, if you don’t have some type of distinguishing mark – something that sets you apart from your competitors, you are left to compete with only one thing, namely price.” Today’s society is more experiential than ever before, and while people still want to spend money on certain brands, they prefer to do so on experiences and the landscape has changed with the emergence of social media. The power has shifted from large retailers back to the consumer – and they’re not willing to give it back.

As someone who has worked with celebrities, including the largest celebrity deal in history – a $3.5 billion deal that featured Jennifer Lopez and then husband, Marc Anthony. He also looks to connect influencers and brands via e-commerce in order to monetize assets and says if he has the ‘opportunity to help someone and make their journey better or easier, that will be my true pleasure.’

Dr. Gary McGrath, author of A CEO’s Journey: The 7 Steps of Intentional Leadership – Making Bosses Into Great Leaders wrote this book to help CEOs that are struggling with being good bosses and might be in need of someone to coach them through some of the rough patches of being a c-suite leader. He says that it is very easy for CEOs to feel like they are in a vacuum with few resources to help them be better leaders.

The book dives into the fundamental parts of leadership and what is required to be an effective leader this day and age. Herein are the seven steps of leadership, broken down into three sections – steps 1-3 involve self-development, step 4 is the crossover between self and the team, and steps 5-7 involve team development. These steps allow those in leadership positions know where their leadership capabilities are. McGrath argues that leadership is based on someone’s authentic ability to tell people what they stand for – their own mission statement of sorts. He adds, “If you’re not clear about that, people aren’t going to follow you.”

All episodes of Best Seller TV air on C-Suite TV and are hosted by TV personality, Taryn Winter Brill.

Best-selling author, speaker, and former Fortune 100 CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett created Best Seller TV to give top-tier business authors a forum for sharing thought-provoking insights, in-depth business analysis, and their compelling personal narratives.  

Reducing Healthcare Costs, The Billion Dollar Branding Blueprint,  and Intentional Leadership

“At C-Suite TV, we are lucky enough to have business authors with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Closing out the month, we have Nelson, Bernt, and Dr. Gary – who bring different expertise and have worked with many recognizable names in healthcare, branding, and corporations,” Hayzlett said. “Our authors provide even greater insights on industry trends that are proven to scale businesses and elevate leaders to be better performers.”

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