Revolutionizing Brainstorming and Team Collaboration

Revolutionizing Brainstorming and Team Collaboration 254 45 C-Suite Network

Jeff Lowe, VP Corporate Marketing at SMART Technologies, was interviewed at the C-Suite Network Conference in Marina del Rey for the B2Beacon Digital Marketing’s Leadership Series. He sits down with Thad Kahlow to explain innovative new ways C-Suite leaders can use technology to create a culture of collaboration in their companies.

There’s been a rapid evolution in the many ways we communicate with one another in the past few decades. But amazingly, a few communication tools have remained stuck in time, unchanged for 40-50 years, somehow immune from being improved or re-imagined over time. Jeff Lowe, VP Corporate Marketing at SMART Technologies, shares with B2Beacon the launch of wholly unique way to collaborate, preserve, and share brainstorming sessions, team meetings and presentations in this age of the digital transformation for many organizations.

Watch the full interview