Sadiq Khan to slam government for ‘dereliction of duty’ in failing to regulate tech

Sadiq Khan to slam government for ‘dereliction of duty’ in failing to regulate tech 1024 538 C-Suite Network
Sadiq Khan

The UK government is guilty of a “dereliction of duty” for leaving big technology firms unregulated, London mayor Sadiq Khan will warn, saying that no firm or industry is “above local rules”.

Speaking on Monday at the South by South West technology conference in Austin, Texas – the first British politician to do so – Khan will criticise politicians for failing to ensure technological progress benefits all, saying that regulation is clearly out of date.

Khan will slam governments for “sitting on their hands while the tech revolution has happened around them”, according to a preview of his speech.

“There’s been a dereliction of duty on the part of politicians and policymakers to ensure that the rapid growth in technology is utilised and steered in a direction that benefits us all.”

Khan is expected to read out some of the racist, abusive and illegal tweets that he has received since becoming mayor, urging Facebook, Twitter…