Secrets of the Pitch From An Original ‘Shark’

Secrets of the Pitch From An Original ‘Shark’

Secrets of the Pitch From An Original ‘Shark’ 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Executive Perspectives Live, one of the top online business shows on C-Suite TV, is launching a new episode featuring Kevin Harrington, Entrpreneur, Original ‘Shark’ on “Shark Tank,” and Inventor of the Infomercial talking about the secrets of the pitch, how disruption has affected the industry, and how can entrepreneurs accelerate in the digital age.

Host Jeffrey Hayzlett talked to Harrington about his storied career as an entrepreneur and how it all has changed with digital dominating the space. As someone who has been around for a long time, he has experienced industry shifts, especially in the television arena. Harrington said that in the old days, the relationships created with the TV networks lasted a long time; whereas today, the big media companies aren’t that big on long-term relationships. There are also fewer opportunities to make real connections. However, the new digital age has also made it easier to target customers more directly, which can be a plus.

Throughout his career, Harrington has heard many pitches from entrepreneurs and business owners and he has words of advice for people hoping to pitch their product – don’t be so focused on you! He said people always say “I need” or “I want” and urged entrepreneurs to approach the pitch differently. He adds, “One of the things I look for are businesses that can self-liquidate pretty quickly.” He also prefers to invest in products that are “ready to go.”

Hayzlett also asked Harrington about whether he prefers seeing an product from inception to completion or an already existing product. Harrington said, “My preference is to take something that’s ready to go.” He added, “We can put the money to get it tested and roll it out if it’s going to take off.”

As an entrepreneur, Harrington advises to surround yourself with the right people. His mission is to “Help small companies build a good team around them that can support and help them raise capital and accomplish all the goals to get the business off the ground.”

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All episodes of Executive Perspectives Live are hosted by Jeffrey Hayzlett and can be seen on C-Suite TV.

Best-selling author, speaker, and former Fortune 100 CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett created C-Suite TV to give top-tier business executives a forum for sharing thought-provoking insights, in-depth business analysis, and their compelling personal narratives.

“Kevin has been a friend of mine for quite some time now and when the opportunity came to have him on the show, he couldn’t have been more generous. He said “yes,” right away,” Hayzlett said. “Kevin is someone who has been there, done that many times over and despite all the industry changes, he continues to find new and exciting ways to do business and reinvent himself to stay ahead of the curve.”

For more information on TV episodes, visit

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