So You Think You Can Be An Ex-Pat? Check Out This Report…

So You Think You Can Be An Ex-Pat? Check Out This Report… 960 640 C-Suite Network
An ex-pat worker stands beneath an Angolan national flag flying at the Army Fort Museum in Luanda, Angola, in 2013. (Photo credit: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)

More and more people are crossing borders to work and live abroad than ever before. The 2016 mobility survey of 224 companies in 26 countries conducted by business consultancy Price Waterhouse Cooper found that 12.2% of employees work overseas every year. Those who relocate do so for a variety of reasons: career advancement, to follow a spouse or partner, to study, or to experience life somewhere different for a longer period of time than just renting an apartment in Paris for a month in the summer.

Novelty, unpacking, and settling into a routine will occupy you for good three months. After six months, you begin to see how your quality of life in your new location is different from what you left behind, and adjust accordingly. Or not. It takes about three years to be acclimated re: customs, language, food, etc…and up to five years to feel as though you may have made the right choice in making the move.

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work

Ten years ago, an organization of ex-pats was formed, called InterNations – not just American ex-pats but anyone living and working in a country different from the one in which they were born or hold citizenship. The organization brings together ex-pats through a series of social, cultural and educational activities.

Four years ago InterNations started “Expat Insider,” a survey of their thousands-strong membership (they claim there are as many as 57-million ex-pats in the world today), looking at the world through the eyes of expats in 65 destinations across the globe, focusing on essential topics: quality of life, ease of settling in, working abroad, family life, personal finance, and cost of living. A whopping 12,500 respondents representing 166 nationalities and living in 188 countries participated in the survey between February 20 and March 8 of this year, rating more than 40 individual factors that influence an expat’s experience of living in a foreign country, from family life to finances. Ages of those surveyed ranged from 25 and under to 51 and above, with the largest percentage being 41-25 (23%) and the average age being 43.5 years.

Top Ex-Pat Destinations in 2017

The 2016 focus was on working abroad; this year the survey takes…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work