Speak Words That Empower You

Speak Words That Empower You 1024 680 C-Suite Network

by Steve Rizzo


As an Attitude Adjuster by profession, I am often asked, “What is the most valuable lesson you learned about success and happiness?”  Without hesitation, my response is always, “Never use your words to describe a challenging situation. Rather, use your words to change your perspective on a challenging situation.”

We need to be especially careful about the words we speak out loud when things aren’t going the way we want. Yes, it’s true that what you think is what you get, but what you say out loud in the midst of troubling times has even a greater impact. Although it may be possible to convince yourself that you’re trying to stay positive when the situation calls for some good, old-fashioned angst, but what you say out loud during those times could very well make the difference in how long you remain in that situation — and how deeply you are affected.

The words you speak amplify your feelings and trigger mental images, which, in turn, will lead to the actions that you take. The actions that you take will lead to the outcome. In other words, my friend, if what you think is what you get, then what you say is what you ask for.
If you’re always thinking about how badly life is treating you and telling whoever will stand still long enough to regret doing so about how you can’t get a fair shake, you will always feel miserable. Ever hear anyone say, “Misery loves company?” Being miserable doesn’t exactly attract good things. Get it? If you want to change your life for the better, start by consciously changing what you think… and what you say.

Awareness is the first step in stifling this voice and turning a compulsively negative mindset around. Once you recognize the dismal reality these thoughts and words are creating, you can step back, observe the direction you are going in and take action against them. You do this by counterattacking with empowering thoughts and words that will instill hope, faith, confidence, courage and determination.

Whatever it is that is bringing you down, acknowledge the fear it represents, and immediately go on the offensive to bombard those fears with emotionally charged words. If you’re worried about someone catching you talking to yourself and thinking you’re crazy, just hop in your car, or take a walk, and give that voice in your head a piece of your mind!
“Hey, I know you’re there and I know what you’re trying to do. But it won’t work!  Because I’m in control here! I get to choose what thoughts flow through my mind! I get to choose the words that are coming out of my mouth! Most of all, I have a force that is bigger than anything you can throw at me! So go ahead! Hit me with your best shot! One thing is certain: I will prevail!

Whether coming from a positive or negative place, your words inevitably affect your attitude — and thus, your situation. Always remember: The moment you open your mouth to say something, you start the process of creation in motion. The choice is yours, my friend.

*This post originally appeared on SteveRizzo.com.

Steve RizzoSteve Rizzo is more than a Funny Motivational Speaker. Don’t let the laughter fool you! What Steve brings to the table is his captivating ability to engage the attendees with laughter as he challenges them to SHIFT their focus and way of thinking to discover greater enthusiasm, increased productivity and new levels of success. Recognizing difficult situations don’t cause us to fail or be unhappy, but rather our negative thoughts and beliefs about the situations, Steve has been Adjusting Attitudes in organizations throughout the world such as AT&T, Prudential, State Farm, LaQuinta, and even the CIA (yes, he even had them laughing!) since 1994.
Find him on Twitter @steverizzophb, Facebook at Riz’s Biz Steve Rizzo, LinkedIn and Google+.