St. Louis Hires First-Ever Chief Technology Officer to Work Closely with Its New CIO

St. Louis Hires First-Ever Chief Technology Officer to Work Closely with Its New CIO 935 565 C-Suite Network

The city of St. Louis announced two recent staffing additions: its first-ever chief technology officer, and a new chief information officer.

The city of St. Louis’ first-ever Chief Technology Officer Robert Gaskill-Clemons, joined by recently named Chief Information Officer Cindy Riordan.

City of St. Louis

The city of St. Louis is digging a little deeper on tech – hiring its first-ever chief technology officer and changing its overall approach to information technology.

The new CTO is Robert Gaskill-Clemons, a former Washington state enterprise technology architect from the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Mayor Lyda Krewson announced on March 13. His first official day was March 5, Emily Thenhaus, the city’s media and engagement strategist, told Government Technology.

But Gaskill-Clemons wasn’t the mayor’s only recent appointment. Krewson also named 23-year city hall staffer Cindy Riordan as the new chief information officer.

Riordan, who has already assumed her new post, is no stranger…