Stop Being Safe

Stop Being Safe 640 427 C-Suite Network

by Randy Gage

You see a competitor has a strong market share, so you decide to just cede the space to them. No one’s ever done it before, so you decide it’s better not to attempt it. You launch your cutting edge, innovative product but market it with boring, conventional advertising because that seems “normal.”

You build a cookie-cutter website because all the other companies in your industry do it that way. You think about rescuing a puppy or kitten from the shelter but decide against it because in 10 or 15 years it will die, and you’ll be so sad. WTF!  Is that really how you want to run your business? Is that how you really want to live?

I wrote Risky Is the New Safe because I knew that for most people and companies, the biggest obstacle they face is thinking it is safe to play it safe. Nothing could be further from the truth. The rules have changed, and playing things safe is actually the riskiest thing you can do today.

Please. Stop playing it safe, and take a risk — because that’s where the breakthroughs live.  Please. Stop living safe and start really living.

Do something bold, daring and adventurous today!

Hear more from Randy in his Business Matters interview for C-Suite Radio.

randypic Randy Gage is the author of nine books, including the New York Times bestseller, “Risky Is the New Safe.” He has spoken to more than 2 million people across more than 50 countries. In 2013, Randy was inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame. He was born in Wisconsin on April 6, 1959. Like Randy on Facebook, connect on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter @Randy_Gage.