The Era of the Low-Tech CMO Is Over

The Era of the Low-Tech CMO Is Over 360 123 C-Suite Network

PepsiCo CMO Frank Cooper Calls Mobile the “Front Door to the Internet of Things” on the Next Installment of C-Suite TV’s MYOB, Premiering November 19.

The sixth episode of MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) on C-Suite TV, premieres today, featuring PepsiCo Chief Marketing Officer Frank Cooper talking with host Jeffrey Hayzlett about mobile technology and PepsiCo’s journey to deliver content to consumers at the point of decision.

In an industry-wide trend reversal, more CMOs are coming from the business side instead of the brand side. Long gone are the days of traditional marketing as mobile technology allows companies to deliver engaging, entertaining and relevant content to customers at a precise moment, content they can share with friends.

“The space for interruption is really small and companies have to deliver something their customers really want,” Cooper said. “In order to deliver quality content to customers, companies need to understand the culture of the consumers who want to buy the product. They need to understand the backstory and the technology. This has allowed me to look at classic marketing through a different lens.”

Smartphones help solve the digital divide, but the infrastructure of mobile is still the most difficult aspect of the entire process. It is important to have engineers, visual designers, and ad techs that not only understand the landscape, but also know how it all works — in other words, creative people who understand technology. With 5.5 billion subscribers worldwide, PepsiCo and Frank Cooper have mastered both the creative side as well as the technical challenges of delivering real-time messages that drive sales.

“Frank is a guy with an incredibly diverse background — power list of Billboard Magazine, one of Fast Company’s 100 most creative people, and a former senior executive at Motown and Def Jam Records,” MYOB host Jeffrey Hayzlett said. “Having the chance to pick his brain about mobile technology and his journey to become CMO of PepsiCo, a truly iconic company, was a really great experience that I know C-Suite TV viewers will enjoy watching. The insights he shares on mobile technology are a must-see for all marketing professionals and business executives.”

The episode airs starting today on C-Suite TV, part of the C-Suite Network.

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