The Evolution of a Metahuman

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Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV,  is announcing a new season this month, featuring a new episode with author Dr. Deepak Chopra, author of Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinitve Potential, his 89th book.

Chopra felt compelled to write this book because we live in chaotic times and he wants to create a world that is more peaceful, more just, healthier, and joyful. This is his latest contribution to that effort. He defines ‘metahuman’ as the need for people to stop being robots by observing their behavior and themselves without judging themselves in order to access the highest intelligence leading to insight, intuition, inspiration, creativity, higher vision, and transcendence.

When asked why name the book “Metahuman?” He replied, “Meta” means “beyond” and “human” is a bundle of conditions, reflexes, and nerves that are constantly triggered by people and circumstances into totally predictable and uncreative outcomes. Chopra says that the world is currently at a crossroads – we are either facing extinction or we can take the next evolutionary leap from humans to metahumans. We have the tools to make it happen, and the choice is ours to make.

Even after his 89th book, Chopra’s life has continued to evolve in three major ways. He adds, “Slowly, I have become independent of good/bad opinions of the world. I am immune to both criticism and flattery. I have decided to have clarity of experience without being bound to the experience, and I have stopped looking for external validation or rewards.” Those, he says, have brought him “deep peace.”

This book has 31 steps that encourage readers to progressively shift from doing, to thinking, to feeling, to being – in fact, to be “grounded in being,” not in imagining or thinking.

The Evolution of a Metahuman

All episodes of Best Seller TV air on C-Suite TV and are hosted by TV personality, Taryn Winter Brill.  

Best-selling author, speaker, and former Fortune 100 CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett created Best Seller TV to give top-tier business authors a forum for sharing thought-provoking insights, in-depth business analysis, and their compelling personal narratives.

“It’s great having Dr. Chopra on Best Seller TV talking about how to be better humans, and better leaders. The world is a chaotic place and sometimes it’s good to have a reminder of the things we can do to achieve balance and grow as human beings,” Hayzlett said. “This episode brings a level of ‘zen’ that everyone can relate to as we navigate the complicated panorama that is life.”

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