The Painfully Persistent B2B Sales and Marketing Divide

The Painfully Persistent B2B Sales and Marketing Divide 620 310 C-Suite Network

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The historical sales and marketing team divide has been getting worse, suggests a B2B report InsideView released this week.

A disconnect between sales and marketing can have a direct impact on companies’ top and bottom lines.

The 995 United States-based sales and marketing professionals who responded to the InsideView survey came from a cross-section of industries throughout the country.

Fifty percent of the respondents were in sales and 40 percent were in marketing, with the remaining 10 percent classified as “other.”

They represented a range of company sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises:

  • 33 percent from companies with fewer than 500 employees
  • 41 percent from companies with 501-4,999 employees
  • 26 percent from companies with 5,000-plus employees

They cited a host of challenges to alignment:

  • Communication issues – 49 percent
  • Broken or flawed processes – 42 percent
  • Different metrics used by sales and marketing – 40 percent
  • Lack of accurate data on target accounts – 39 percent
  • Reporting challenges – 27 percent
  • Lack of common prospects and customer data – 27 percent
  • Lack of accountability on both sides – 26 percent

Communication issues include the way leads are converted, as well as issues that might affect performance and close rates.

Things sales professionals wanted marketing departments to improve:

  • Lead quality – 55 percent
  • Lead quantity – 44 percent
  • Competitive information – 39 percent
  • Brand awareness – 37 percent
  • Lead nurturing – 37 percent

Improvements marketers wanted from sales:

  • Better lead follow-up – 34 percent
  • Consistent use of systems – 32 percent

It’s the People, Not the Tech

Closing the sales-marketing divide has been a long,…