Thriving leadership: the new way to bring out the best in everyone

Thriving leadership: the new way to bring out the best in everyone 657 404 C-Suite Network
Thriving leadership: the new way to bring out the best in everyone

Life at work and life outside used to be two separate things. Today, technology connects us to work 24/7 and has increased workplace pressures by revolutionising every industry sector.

Living today’s always-on life doesn’t bring out the best in people. At prolonged high levels, it can cause major physical and mental health issues. Fortunately, the tension between work and home isn’t so extreme for most people.

Instead, it manifests as a persistent feeling of failing at both, leading to absenteeism, poor decision-making and lack of focus. According to the Australian Productivity Commission, this translates into $24 billion a year in lost productivity.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

In recent years, there’s been a quantum leap in employer awareness of the negative business effects of stress. From flexi-time to lunchtime yoga, supporting employee health is now firmly on the HR radar.

I believe CEOs should build on this momentum to move their organisations beyond just mitigating health risks to the next level – actively helping people to reach their full potential at work and at home. It’s time to create thriving workplaces.

What is thriving?

In a thriving state of mind, an individual is firing on all cylinders. They are engaged and fulfilled, in control and growing, and full of positive energy. You can feel like this at work or in private, but the real magic happens when the two are healthily integrated so your whole life thrives and work becomes something to look forward to, not a means to an end.

One of the litmus tests for thriving is flow – being so immersed in a task that time flies. Psychologists…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media