Using workforce data to achieve leaner operations

Using workforce data to achieve leaner operations 657 404 C-Suite Network
Using workforce data to achieve leaner operations

The use of internal workforce data for creating leaner operations is changing how we view corporate reorganisation.

A recent survey from PwC demonstrates the importance of companies using their internal workforce data to provide greater insight into how their organisations operate, as well as demonstrating the value of such data in understanding employees and their work habits.

But it isn’t enough for businesses to know what their data is saying; companies must also be able to ask the right questions of their information to get the most out of it. In a changing world in which business operations are moving towards digitisation and automation, data plays a vital role in helping organisations to create leaner and stronger operations.

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Exploring your workforce data

While the idea of corporate reorganisation isn’t new, the use of internal data to determine the most appropriate allocation of resources is changing how we view this process.

Exploring the data available on a company’s workforce is the perfect starting point. This could include staff demographics, home location, pay grade, job titles, job functions, levels of training and the like. But being able to ask the right questions of this information can also make it easier to understand which job functions are the most crucial to an organisation, and where the greatest business value is created.

It is important to note that knowing which job functions provide the most value does not necessarily mean cutting the roles that add ‘less value’. For example, examining overtime spend could help an organisation to reprioritise daily tasks and work orders so…

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