What Brands Can Learn From A World Famous Architect

What Brands Can Learn From A World Famous Architect 960 660 C-Suite Network
A world famous architect can teach brands a thing or two. Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival

This piece was coauthored with Sidney Evans, brand strategist and contributor to Branding Magazine.

One of the greatest drivers of angst and motivation for brands and people is how relevant they can remain to each other over a period of time. No one understands this better than architect and designer David Rockwell, founder and President of Rockwell Group, a 250-person award winning, cross-disciplinary architecture and design practice based in New York.

In addition to being an architect and designer, Rockwell is also an author penning 2014’s aptly titled, What If – a retrospective of the award-winning designer’s work spanning over three decades. “It was a chance to look a little in the rearview mirror and think about both what we have done to get to the position we are in now and how to go forward.”

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work

Impressive and Imaginative

For over three decades, Rockwell Group has designed some of the most impressive and imaginative spaces collaborating with some of the biggest names around the globe. The wisdom accumulated from the breadth of Rockwell’s three decades of work should serve as master class for how brands can stay relevant.

The eternal optimist Rockwell approaches every day as a new chance to dream, create, and win. He is very much the conductor of a well-heeled orchestra ensuring that every instrument is being played pitch perfect. His early, deeply engaging experiences helped shape his view of light; and the quality of it as a dominant part of the way he thought about the world.

He believes that all good designs start by fully understanding the problem – lesson 101 for savvy brands. Forward-thinking brands do more than solve problems, they add to the equation, challenge the status quo and reimagine norms. For Rockwell, simply solving the problem is not enough – there is a direct correlation to the longevity of a brand and their value-add.

One of the norms he and his team…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work