What if Corporate America's C-Suite is actually filled with Gladiators?

What if Corporate America's C-Suite is actually filled with Gladiators? 150 150 C-Suite Network

“A bright sunny day outside, and yet the Fairmont’s grand ballroom was filled with 350+ Leaders. These are leaders playing at the top of their game.” Dov Baron reflects on the men and women “gladiators” he met at the C-Suite Network Conference in Dallas, Texas.

Emerging from the semi-silence of learning many of these leaders consciously or unconsciously become aware that they are out of their daily leadership spotlight. Some find themselves thrust into an automatic persona.

Without even knowing it, some go on automatic: Sharing achievements and accolades with another equally powerful CEO, CFO, or C-something-O, who isn’t really listening, but rather doing their best to wait to do the very same thing.

However, as I watched, listened, and interacted…I discovered something profound: Those people are the minority!

Read the full article at DovBaron.com