What if Trump Led Rather than Boasted, Blamed and Bullied?

What if Trump Led Rather than Boasted, Blamed and Bullied? 900 400 C-Suite Network
Donald Trump

A Cautionary Tale for Business Leaders On the Value of Credibility & Empathy. From the size of his hands to the size of his first “State of the Union” TV audience, President Donald Trump has spent the two-and-a-half years of his candidacy and presidency getting caught in outright lies, maligning everyone from American immigrants and Red Star families to a former Miss Universe, and taking credit for successes over which he had little control.

“President Trump has, so far, tarnished the reputation of business experience in public service, but good business skills are about sound leadership, which is consistent with good politics, and a quality that is badly needed in American government,” Dan Glickman, vice president of the Aspen Institute, and a former Congressmen and U.S. secretary of agriculture, recently opined.

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Despite the news media documenting Trump’s long list of falsehoods and crude insults, today’s deeply partisan political environment has so far allowed him to publicly lie and malign with relative impunity. Yet, Trump’s credibility problem may finally catch up with him as he struggles to work with his own party to pass his legislative agenda and retain control of Congress in the 2018 mid-term elections.

His missteps and struggles may still yet offer important lessons for organizational leaders about building and maintaining credibility among stakeholders.

Trump’s Credibility Travails Offer Lessons for Corporate Leaders

As the political drama of Trump’s presidency continues to unfold, important questions it raises for leaders to ask themselves include:

Do your stakeholders support—and understand—your vision for the organization’s direction and goals? Are your employers, executives, and important external stakeholders able to predict or discern what matters to you and what your priorities are? Can they count on you to act consistently and rationally? Let’s hope your team’s appraisal of you isn’t akin to Republican Rep. Charlie Dent’s of…

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