Why Trusting Your Physician Can Result in a Heart Attack

Why Trusting Your Physician Can Result in a Heart Attack 640 480 C-Suite Network

by David Meinz


I was away at school. My phone rang at five minutes after midnight. I got up to hear my pastor tell me that my dad had just died from a heart attack. He was just 56 years old. He didn’t smoke. He wasn’t overweight, and he wasn’t a couch potato either. But he made one fatal mistake: He thought because he felt good, everything was OK. It wasn’t. That one event changed my whole life. It’s one of the main reasons I do what I do today. I’ve spent the last 25 years helping people avoid what happened to my dad.

As a C-level executive, your number one health threat is a heart attack or stroke. Same disease, different location. If you think you have this cholesterol and heart attack issue all figured out… you don’t. Just because your cholesterol and LDL’s and HDL’s are good, just because you’re fit, just because you’re at an ideal weight doesn’t mean much anymore in predicting your future health. If you think your physician or cardiologist is up-to-date… they probably aren’t. They are assuredly good, well-meaning professionals, but most of them are practicing cardiovascular medicine that does not reflect what we now know about preventing the biggest threat to your life.

The medical community is getting better all the time at keeping you alive after you’ve had a heart attack or stroke. But still, half die before they get to the hospital. Of those that survive, half of them are gone within a year. Where the medical experts really fall short is in preventing a heart attack or stroke from happening in the first place.

Every 25 seconds someone in the U.S. has a heart attack. Every 40 seconds someone in the U.S. has a stroke.

Most Americans tend to deal with problems when they show up. Your goal should be to prevent a heart attack or stroke, not treat it.

On average, it takes 15 years for new research discoveries to get to the place where the average physician is practicing that information with his patients. Fifteen years! With new technology and genetic testing, we now know how to stop a heart attack or stroke years before current medical care can. This new knowledge will become the standard of care about 15 years from now. The problem is, YOU may not have 15 years to wait!

If you want to see what we now know about preventing the biggest killer of C-level executives watch the videos and download the special report at www.ExecutiveHeartProgram.com

meinzDavid Meinz works with organizations that want to enhance their productivity by improving the health of their people. He is the author of “Survival of The Fittest: Maximizing Your Personal and Professional Performance.” Contact David at 1-314-838-7288 or david@davidmeinz.com. Learn more at DavidMeinz.com.