A Woman’s Guide to Perseverance, Knowing the Magic Words and Entitlement Abolition

A Woman’s Guide to Perseverance, Knowing the Magic Words and Entitlement Abolition 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV, is announcing its September lineup featuring in-depth interviews with leading business authors Jo Hausman, author of Go For It: A Woman’s Guide to Perseverance, Phil M. Jones, author of Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words For Influence and Impact, and Doug Andrew, author of Entitlement Abolition: How to Lead Your Family from Me to We.

Jo Hausman, author of Go For It: A Woman’s Guide to Perseverance shares her personal memoir, which includes a business twist to it. Hausman first started this book chronicling her late husband’s death due to a terminal illness, but turned it into a book on how she found the energy and inner strength to keep going. She talks about how she was able to accomplish things after his passing that she thought they would accomplish together. Hausman wants people going through difficult situations to focus on celebrating small victories. She says, “Once you remove the negative, the positive will come into your life.”

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Phil M. Jones, author of Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words For Influence and Impact focuses on the importance of word choices and highlights that the difference between a good job and a great job is having the right words at the right time. Jones says that the book is applicable for verbal conversations as well as digital conversations. He stresses that questions help build relationships but people need to know how to ask the right questions to optimize the end result. He also mentions how people can have a “Columbo moment,” which means asking a key question that provides a key piece of information that helps move the conversation forward.


Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media