Yellowfin taps NAB for global CTO role

Yellowfin taps NAB for global CTO role 740 493 C-Suite Network
Brad Scarff - CTO, Yellowfin
Brad Scarff – CTO, Yellowfin

Yellowfin has appointed Brad Scarff as its new chief technology officer (CTO), as the business intelligence (BI) vendor rides the crest of a global growth wave.

Scarff joins the Melbourne-based business from National Australia Bank (NAB), where he held the role of head of procurement operations.

As CTO, Scarff will take charge of shaping product strategies across the world, with founder and CEO Glen Rabie now focusing on international expansion plans.

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In addition, Scarff will oversee the improvement of development and release management methodologies across the entire Yellowfin Business Intelligence platform.

“Brad is no stranger to Yellowfin having done strategy work with us in the past,” Rabie said. “As a company, we have a 14-year history of growth and innovation and today find ourselves transforming rapidly into a true, large multinational.

“The timing is perfect for me to hand over Yellowfin’s product innovation leadership to someone as accomplished and capable as Brad.”

Prior to joining the BI specialists, Scarff spent 20 years at NAB,…

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