About Executive Job Search Secrets

Most executive jobs are never posted or advertised. So the question is, how do you identify the right companies, connect with the right people, and land your ideal job as quickly as possible without compromise? The executive job search secrets podcast will cover everything you need to know about your job search from networking, resume creation, marketing, personal branding, interviewing, career pivoting, and much more. If you need help with your resume or anything else with your search, reach out to us at www.CareerNextAgency.com

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Executive Job Search Secrets

Chris Kirkpatrick



90% of executive level positions are NEVER posted. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average time to find a new executive position is one month for every $10k in desired annual income.) IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THAT WAY.

There are five steps to an effective job search at any level - but especially the $100,000+ income levels. You need to be proficient in all five steps to be successful with your search to find what you are looking for faster.

That's why we have created a 5 step system:

First Step: Seek Clarity/Start With The End In Mind
Second Step: Personal Branding & Packaging
Third Step: Identifying & Targeting Ideal Companies & People
Fourth Step: Network & Cultivate Relationships With Your Target Market
Fifth Step: Interviewing, Negotiate & Close

CareerNext provides the tools, resources, and support to help you find success in finding your ideal job faster.

Check us out at https://www.CareerNextAgency.com to learn more or email me at Chris@CareerNextAgency.com if you'd like to discuss your career goals.