About GLOBAL REACH Leadership Forum
This podcast is for executive leaders both transitioning from military service and those currently in the corporate or private sector under-informed, unfamiliar with corporate lingo, or skeptical about whether their knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities can be effectively leveraged post-military service. Fundamental leadership tenets (first principles) form the bedrock and hallmark of transformational leadership. Research over the last several years indicates that leadership principles practiced in the military, well after leaders transition from military service, though not directly applicable in every facet of the private sector, still establish a strong foundation and path to develop, nurture and enhance business success,Forum affords listeners an opportunity to learn from successful former military leaders (Generals, Admirals, Capt, Colonels, Senior Enlisted) now successful entrepreneurs, Ph.Ds, Business leaders or advocates, on how to apply military success in continued success as an entrepreneur or business executive.Listen, Learn, to Lead, as they share their Advice, Insights, and Recommendations (AIR) for entrepreneurial success!