About House of Cards®

House of Cards® (www.houseofcardsradio.com), a weekly one hour talk radio program, focuses on the business and entertainment side of the casino, poker, gaming and sportsbetting industries. Launched in 2007, House of Cards® radio has been in production for 10+ years and is recognized as the leading syndicated talk radio program dedicated to the casino, sports betting, fantasy sports and poker lifestyle. Each episode of House of Cards® features compelling interviews with Hollywood producers and actors, TV personalities, New York Times Best-Selling authors, Rock stars, National Political Figures, Comic-Con presenters, models and Playboy playmates, the biggest names in the poker industry such as Phil Helmuth, Annie Duke & Daniel Negreanu and every World Series of Poker Champion since 2003!

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House of Cards®

Granary Way Media LLC & C-Suite Radio


House of Cards® is hosted by author and professional poker player Ashley Adams. Ashley is the author of Winning 7-Card Stud, published by Kensington Press (2003), and Winning Low-Limit No-Limit Hold’em, published by ProStar Publications (2012). A frequent contributor to several poker magazines and websites, Mr. Adams holds the singular distinction of having over 120 articles published in a single year (2006). He has played poker for over 40 years, playing in casinos all over the world, including England, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Hungary, Canada and the United States.

House of Cards®

Granary Way Media LLC & C-Suite Radio

Host / Anchor

House of Cards® host is David Weischadle. David is also the anchor for the 90 second House of Cards® Gaming Report, the nation's only gaming news flash. Mr. Weischadle is a gaming and sports attorney licensed in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Washington DC. Dave is a member of the Gaming Law Division of the New Jersey State Bar and a member of the Entertainment and Sports Law Section of the New York State Bar Association.

Executive Producer

Douglas E. Weischadle, Esq.


David E. Weischadle II, Esq.


Ashley Adams