About House of Cards®
House of Cards® (www.houseofcardsradio.com), a weekly one hour talk radio program, focuses on the business and entertainment side of the casino, poker, gaming and sportsbetting industries. Launched in 2007, House of Cards® radio has been in production for 10+ years and is recognized as the leading syndicated talk radio program dedicated to the casino, sports betting, fantasy sports and poker lifestyle. Each episode of House of Cards® features compelling interviews with Hollywood producers and actors, TV personalities, New York Times Best-Selling authors, Rock stars, National Political Figures, Comic-Con presenters, models and Playboy playmates, the biggest names in the poker industry such as Phil Helmuth, Annie Duke & Daniel Negreanu and every World Series of Poker Champion since 2003!

Executive Producer
Douglas E. Weischadle, Esq.
David E. Weischadle II, Esq.
Ashley Adams