About Stroke Of Genius Podcast Survivor Experience

Welcome to the Stroke Of Genius Podcast Survivor Experience. Can a person live an enjoyable life after a stroke or brain injury no matter what deficit they may or may not have? 

Welcome to the Stroke Of Genius Podcast Survivor Experience.

The answer is yes!

I am your host Aaron Avila. 14 years ago, I faced that very question after suffering and surviving a brain aneurysm and stroke. 

I have been serving the stroke and brain injury community for ten years and have learned what I believe is foundational to you living a valuable and passion filled life after stroke or brain injury.

It is my passion, I found it in a Near Death Experience, to help you cope with the challenges and triumphs that come with rebuilding your life after a stroke or brain injury. 

In this podcast, I will delve deep into what I believe is the life changer for you survivor. The answer is found in the power of your mind.

Whether you're a survivor, a caregiver, or simply curious, our mission is to provide support, inspiration, and valuable insights to help you on your path to rebuilding your life after a stroke or brain injury.

So, without further ado, let's get started on this incredible journey of strength and transformation together."

3/25/24 UPDATE

Stroke Of Genius Podcast Survivor Experience is now fully inclusive to "all types" of survival!

Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, TBI and all other forms of survival.

If you survived death, come on podcast and share your story.

Book a private pre podcast meeting here and let's talk about it https://calendly.com/aaronavila-stroketv/book-a-video-chat-with-aaron-avila-ceo-stroke-tv-media

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