“Do You Know Why Anxiety Signs Signal Direct Danger” – Negotiation Insight

“Do You Know Why Anxiety Signs Signal Direct Danger” – Negotiation Insight 150 150 Greg Williams, MN, CSP

“Anxiety can lead to danger. And like EXIT is within anxiety, exiting anxiety is how to avoid danger.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)


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“Do You Know Why Anxiety Signs Signal Direct Danger”


No matter your environment, your mental strength, or discipline, pay attention to your anxiety levels – because they can debilitate you! Anxiety can turn a happy person into one haunted by despair.

Make no mistake; anxiety is serious and something of which to be mindful. The following are signs that you should be aware of and why it matters to your wellbeing. Please do not go sheepishly into the night, thinking you’re immune from anxiety. Heed these warnings!


Signs of Anxiety

Frequent sighing – Frequently sighing can be the announcer of anxiety’s arrival. When you find yourself committing this act, note it. And identify why it’s occurring.

Feeling besieged – When you feel the walls closing in, that can be the sensation of a smothering environment. It can also be another sign that you’re sensing or experiencing anxiety.

Frequent disputes with others, for whatever reasons, but in particular, because they don’t view things the way you do, can lead to or instigate anxiety. Be aware when you’re in such environments.

Perceived time pressures – When you feel the pressures of addressing activities building on you, realize where such pressures may lead. And understand, by thinking about all of those activities, you’re adding to, not deleting from, your stress quotient.

The anticipation of coming events – Smart people prepare for the future. They do so by engaging in actions today that’ll get them closer to tomorrow’s goals. And sometimes, when smart people think about activities they’ll have to participate in, they become stressed from the anticipation of those events.

When I was a child, my grandmother told me not to borrow trouble. Which meant, prepare for the future, but don’t let thoughts of your inadequacies trouble you in the present time. When you control your mind, you control your thoughts. I never forgot my grandmother’s sage advice. I offer it to you for your guidance.


Why It’s Important To Control Anxiety

Anxiety leads to mental anguish, which alters your perspective about people. That can lead to a lack of tolerance for those that you might otherwise admire.

It’s a gateway to depression, which can decrease your mental abilities per how you interpret situations around you and your circumstances.

It decreases your degree of patience with yourself and others.

Mental exhaustion can come from anxiety.

And it can induce an altered perspective of reality, which can deter you from addressing your goals and team activities.


Ways To Combat Anxiety


Be prepared to confront anxiety by thinking how you’ll offset it when it occurs. Which means you must identify it the moment it happens. Then note where it’s leading you. To do that, observe your emotional and physical feelings. You may experience a sense of quickened emotions, due to the perception of activities colliding that need your attention. You may even note your anxiety in your pace of speech, stammering, or in the way you’re breathing. All are signs to observe because they’re signals that you’re walking into a darkened state indicating the possibility of mental debilitation.



To combat anxiety, think about what you can control. If aspects creating the stress stems from activities you can’t control, accept that fact, if only for the moment. Do other things to take your mind off what’s creating anxiety – play games – watch a movie – meditate – do something to relieve the pressure that’s building inside of you. The point is, don’t allow stress to enter your domain because you’re concerned about activities you can’t control.


Sources of Input

Be aware of the source of your information and the credibility you lend to it. Some people view sources as being highly valid, while others may see them as peddling fake news. Thus, if surrounding individuals hold contrary opinions to yours, your interactions with them may lead to heighten differences of beliefs. And that can serve as a point of escalation that leads to more anxiety within you. Therefore, to better control yourself, control the environment you’re in, and what you allow that environment to implant in your mind.


Think Through It

Think about the lessons you’ll learn and how those insights will be beneficial to you in the future. Imagine being on the other side of what’s causing your anxiety. It can be challenging to imagine happy times when you’re in the throes of despair. But like the current situation that may be causing you angst, this too will pass.


Have Fun

When you’re in a state of stress, thinking about having fun can be the furthest thought in your mind. But that’s what you should consider doing. Having fun, laughing, thinking positive thoughts, will lift the angst of anxiety off you. Even if it only does so for the moments you’re engaged in those happy activities, the bombardment occurring against your mind will decrease. And that will allow you a respite from the anxiety that’s bombarding you.


Sometimes uncertainty spreads faster than reality, which can increase your degree of stress that leads to danger. Whether you’re in a negotiation or thinking about one, anxiety will hurt you mentally by overburdening your mind. And that additional tax can lead to more stress, which will cause you not to think clearly. And doing that could lead to disastrous results, no matter what activity you’re engaging.

Thus, always strive to reduce anxiety as soon as you recognize its signs. Doing so will allow you to avoid danger. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


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