Loss of Innovation, Not Automation, is Hurting US Manufacturing

Loss of Innovation, Not Automation, is Hurting US Manufacturing 150 150 C-Suite Network

Loss of Innovation, Not Automation, is Hurting US Manufacturing

Since 2008, the total number of patents filed by US-based companies has fallen below 50% of all patents filed in the country. 75% of manufacturers report a severe to moderate shortage of workers and 93% of manufacturers are predicting future talent shortages due to retiring Baby Boomers. Healthcare costs, tariffs, unions, government policies, supply chain challenges all continue to put pressure on manufacturers.

What are we doing to address the issues and challenges in manufacturing? Thought leaders, influencers, leaders, disrupters and innovators are joining the C-Suite Manufacturing Council to find solutions to the problems. The council encourages discussion and collaboration across the industry.

Alan Davis is the CEO of i5 Services and the founder of the Manufacturing Council. He has organized a council of industry experts. He will be joined by Angela L. Tymofichuk the VP for Science, Technology, and Research UAMMI Military Liason, Logistic Specialties, Inc. (LSI), Chris Kiminas the President for EWI Ohio and Michael Molnar the Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Officer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.