
In today’s business world, it takes more than a website to stay competitive. The smartest, most successful companies are using radically new membership models, subscription-based formats, and freemium pricing structures to grow their customer base—and explode their market valuation—in the most disruptive shift in business since the Industrial Revolution. This is The Membership Economy from ...

Become The Go-To Person For Your Own Success by Stephen Sapato teaches small business owners and entrepreneurs how to realize tremendous growth by using 21st Century Professional Business Networking methods. It starts at the basics of how to be a professional and leads you to what you can expect from your results as you grow yourself ...

Coming Alive: The Journey To Reengage Your Life And Career by Ruth Ross is the prescription for anyone who has ever personally felt the pain of knowing they weren’t fully engaged at work or at home (or both), has an important person in his or her life experiencing this or perhaps manages a team that is ...

Stressed? Overwhelmed? Burned Out? Learn transformational life skills in this exciting new modern business fable by acclaimed expert R. Michael Anderson. More than just a story, The Experiment: Discover a Revolutionary Way to Manage Stress and Achieve Work-Life Balance is a window into a new way of living. Follow Dennis as he overcomes career burnout, personal issues, and ...

“Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce” by Nadine Vogel, enlightens readers regarding the untapped talent pool of people with disabilities, parents of children with special needs, and older workers with age-related impairments. Vogel, the CEO of Springboard Consulting LLC, offers guidance and corporate best practices relative to ...

Game-Changing Advisory Boards offers a proven process for creating and maintaining sustainable value in your business. William Hawfield and John Zaepfel leverage their experience from serving on over 100 boards to provide step-by-step board processes for building exceptional, long-term value in privately- owned companies. Inside are stories from 21 owners who used advisory boards to ...

DISCOVER who you are. IMAGINE who you could be, and ACHIEVE all the potential within you. We are all only as good as the thoughts we think. What are you thinking? If you want to change your life, you have to change the way you think. Your mind is a steering wheel, and you can ...

Imagine… When you encounter difficult people – you know how to adapt to them. Where you meet challenging situations – you have the skills transform them. In times when you face the unknown – you remain fearless. If you dream of all that and more… then People Smart in Business is the book you need. ...

Why You Need Digital Wisdom The goal of this book is to give you a way to think strategically about how life and work are changing. Now you are a citizen in a connected world, this book gives you tools to become a digital leader, ready to tackle the new and sometimes troubling realities of ...