
You’re in big trouble if you rely on having “feet on the street” to generate new sales. Selling in today’s economy has forever changed. Buyers today are more challenging to reach and offer less of their time to anyone in sales. It’s time to rethink how we generate sales to create a sustainable model that ...

Going OFF SCRIPT doesn’t come naturally to most organizational leaders. We want to control the narrative, ensure ideal outcomes, script the conversations, manage the problems, predict the future, and win (negotiations, new business, market share, and more). But what if good leaders could become better leaders by doing the opposite — by letting go of ...

The journey of leadership is one of the most significant endeavors of humanity. Leadership is important for us to understand as individuals – and essential to the ultimate well-being of our people, organizations, communities, and the world at large. While our leadership decisions determine the direction and consequences of our life and organizational outcomes, ...

The “Nuts and Bolts” for Creating a Comprehensive Compliance Plan The first chapter of this unique work lays out a succinct yet thorough 31-day approach to operationalizing a company’s compliance regimen. Beginning with a section on what 2020 brought to the compliance landscape, the chapter goes on to methodically outline best practices for everything from ...

Many first impressions are made on LinkedIn, so every business professional must convey his or her personal brand effectively on this platform. LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive, Second Edition, is an award-winning book that combines strategy and action items to ensure that the reader understands and implements the steps that will turn a mediocre profile ...

Everyone knows what qualities define a good leader, but how many of us know what steps to take to become that great leader? The secret formula is what sales and leadership expert Ron Karr calls the Velocity Mindset®: a perfect balance of speed and direction, both of which must remain in alignment for personal and ...

The Sale is not Complete until the Money is in the Bank…but you must collect it first. Collections are uncomfortable for everyone involved on both ends of the unfinished transaction – the flustered customer dodging the persistent calls of companies with outstanding invoices for goods or services rendered, as well as corporate employees tasked with ...

One of the Most Important and Surprising Business Books of the Year And it might just also change your life! What do dragons have to do with business? According to Shawn Nason, Robin Glasco, and Michael Harper, dragons belong in our daily work lives. In fact, they can be wonderful companions, even partners to travel ...

In Person and Hybrid Meetings, the cornerstones of collaboration, inspiration, and progress have suffered excruciating humiliation at the hands of corporate America. Gone are the days of meetings designed for outcomes, engaging virtual meetings, focus and participation. Instead, meetings drone on like some sort of soul crushing, walking-dead zombie robbing workplaces of joy, productivity and ...