
Are you tired of hollow promises about diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization? Do you want to take steps towards real change – beyond issuing mission statements, signing checks, and holding listening sessions – but don’t know where to start? This book is your answer. Designed for teams to read together, Actions Speak Louder offers a ...

The journey of leadership is one of the most significant endeavors of humanity. Leadership is important for us to understand as individuals – and essential to the ultimate well-being of our people, organizations, communities, and the world at large. While our leadership decisions determine the direction and consequences of our life and organizational outcomes, ...

“This is your captain speaking.” Become a better pilot for your projects, for your people, and even in life outside work by using valuable principles from aviation. You might be flying through turbulent times today – uncertainty, a lot of change, higher expectations from you – but all these can be handled well and Dark Cockpit will ...

Everyone knows what qualities define a good leader, but how many of us know what steps to take to become that great leader? The secret formula is what sales and leadership expert Ron Karr calls the Velocity Mindset®: a perfect balance of speed and direction, both of which must remain in alignment for personal and ...

Peer-no-va-tion (pir-n-v-shn) combines the words peer (people like me) and innovation (creativity realized). It’s teamwork of the highest order. Leo Bottary follows up on his two earlier books about leveraging the power of peers in business and in life. With its roots in CEO and executive peer groups, the team-building framework presented in these pages ...

Become a passionate, purposeful, and meaningful leader through identifying who you are, your strengths, and your skills. New York Times bestselling author Stedman Graham’s Identity Leadership is a very personal and prescriptive guide that is based on his philosophy that a leader can’t lead others until he can first lead himself-the more he works on ...

“I have had this desire my whole life to prove people wrong, to show them I could do things they didn’t think I could do.”—David Paterson A title that hits you between the eyes is second only to a Governor put in office by a prostitution scandal. Scandals aside, David Paterson overcame severe disability and ...

As the founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight, Keith Ferrazzi has spent over twenty years working with major global organizations to help them achieve their goals and reach new levels of success. He has been called upon by these companies to see them through our modern era of rapid technological advancement and explosive change, but ...

For companies who’ve embraced new opportunities only to lose money through inefficiency, mismanagement and misinformed decision-making, Lisa Levy knows there is a better way. Lcubed Consulting is her invention and Future Proofing Cubed: The Definitive Guide to Improving Productivity, Refining Processes, and Bolstering Profitability is the companion. Providing everything you need to know about why ...