Self Help

We live in tough times, and it seems many are unhappy with their circumstances in society, at work, or at home. Instead of taking action, we complain and wait for someone else to do something about it. Instead of changing ourselves, we hope others will take responsibility. Instead of actively living our dreams, we wait ...

For a thriving, durable career in today’s rapidly shifting world, you need to be adaptable and resilient. Being adaptable means you know how and when to tweak your performance, try new approaches or create stronger relationships. Having career resilience means you can spot risks and become comfortable with change. You can absorb hard knocks, rebuild ...

In The Fred Factor, bestselling author Mark Sanborn relates the four principles of injecting passion into our work and life through the story of Fred, his Denver postman, and others like him. No matter where we are in our career, no matter our position in the organization, no matter our current involvement, we can all ...

In modern organizations there seems to be a revolving door of projects and that present employees and managers with new roles and new teammates. The challenge they face is seldom about strategy. Leaders struggle because they don’t have a process for bringing diverse individuals together as a collaborative team. This is a story that offers leaders ...

42 Rules of Cold Calling Executives (2nd Edition) is an easy to read book that gives concise, easy to implement methods to get results with cold calls. Many sales professionals find that part of their job difficult and unpleasant, yet the 42 Rules gives them ways to redesign their thinking, approach, practices, and tools to ...

One of the downsides of life is that we rarely have to deal with an overabundance of gratitude. Most of us tend to focus on the negative. We don’t receive nearly as much acknowledgment as we would like, and we don’t give as much recognition as others deserve. Now for the upside! When we learn ...