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026: Ali Katz Hot Mess to Mindful Mom
Intuition Journal: Check out Ali’s 5 Day Challenge:
Ali also offers self-care and mindful parenting coaching to women across the country who are looking to leave overwhelm and guilt behind, and embrace a life full of balance and joy.
Ali is a certified meditation teacher and a certified life and parenting coach. She has been featured on ABC News, NBC News, Fox News, in the Houston Chronicle, in the Public News and various other outlets. She is also the author of the best selling book “Hot Mess to Mindful Mom: 40 Ways to Find Balance and Joy in Your Every Day,” and “Get the Most Out of Motherhood: A Hot Mess to Mindful Mom Parenting Guide.” Ali’s third book, “One Minute to Zen” all about dealing with stress in the moment, will be released in November 2018.
You can learn more about Ali at