Join Allison as she features innovative guests who share quick wins on how to improve your bottom line while building a stronger, happier, more valuable customer base. Don’t miss a single episode brought to you weekly on C-Suite Radio. Ready to accelerate? Let's Go!
54 | 2019 Predictions Show Financial Impact from Marketing with Dan McCarthy
What kind of financial impact should marketing-savvy businesses expect in 2019? Dan McCarthy, co-founder of Theta Equity Partners and an assistant professor of Marketing at Emory University joins us this week in the Accelerator to explain corporate valuations based on the quality (not quantity) of customers. He talks about why StitchFix’s numbers are so good and why HelloFresh and BlueApron have a serious retention problem. Dan lays out why customer value is so important and why smart, strategic marketing matters more to your bottom line now than ever before. Catch every episode on the C-Suite Network Radio.
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