Mind-Changing Radio from thought leaders bettering our lives with their stories of entrepreneurship, overcoming adversity and the "a-ha" moments that can change the course of your life - forever.
Ep0009 – “Mending the Heart” with Morella Devost
When I first met Morella, I didn’t know she was from Venezuela. I never heard a hint of an accent, never questioned where she came from until I met her mom at a party a few years back. They hadn’t seen each other in a year – and her mom was going to be heading back to Venezuela – without her daughter. I could see the heartbreak for both of them. I wanted to ask her about it, however, the right place or time never came to broach the subject, until now. I asked about the heartbreak of not being able to easily return to your homeland and her poignant answer moved me, as I hope it’ll move you. Her journey though heartbreak inspired her to co-create a 3-day workshop on Mending the Heart:“Our deepest buried feelings and memories have a great effect on the body. They show up in symptoms, chronic health issues, destructive habits and puzzling emotional reactions.” – Morella Devost Morella will lead this 3-day workshop in April that has a 3-prong approach to helping mend the heart through mind, body and spirit. If you:· Have long-standing hurts from a particular memory or relationship.· Still wish it had never happened.· Don’t want the memory to affect your life but the fact that you’d rather not talk about it makes you realize that there’s an unresolved issue there.· Feel resentful towards someone or some event.· Sense that past hurts may be affecting your health.· Done therapy or self-help but you’re still not where you want to be.