Mind-Changing Radio from thought leaders bettering our lives with their stories of entrepreneurship, overcoming adversity and the "a-ha" moments that can change the course of your life - forever.
Ep0028 – “Float Pod Bliss” with Sam Black
Float Your Cares AwaySensory Reduction Soothing Chronic Pain, Anxiety, PTS and more…The thought of sitting in a pod surrounded by 10 inches of water and 800+ pounds of Epson Salts simultaneously intrigues and initiates my claustrophobia – I had never heard of Float Pods, nor their intrinsic health benefits for a host of maladies. My guest, Sam Black, suffered a serious car accident that left her with multiple injuries and a cocktail of prescriptions. After exploring a multitude of modalities for pain management, she settled upon the Float Pods and found the experience “life changing;” not only for herself, but for many others who come to her practice, Grounded Roots Wellness Center on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls in Ontario.