Mind-Changing Radio from thought leaders bettering our lives with their stories of entrepreneurship, overcoming adversity and the "a-ha" moments that can change the course of your life - forever.
Ep0048 – “Speak for Profit” with David Newman
Want to get paid what you’re worth as a speaker or consultant, but you’re not sure how to start? David Newman has been featured in the New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, on NBC, and is the Amazon best-selling author of “Do it Marketing.” Please welcome, David Newman to the Self Talk Radio Show.David started in theatre, doing some teaching on the side, and soon learned he could make A LOT more as a corporate trainer. He went out on his own as an entrepreneurial speaker, trainer and consultant in 2002 and admits it was a “complete train-wreck.” Learn how he went from train wreck to A-list sought-after consultant in the world of professional speaking. 2008 he turned off his training and speaking business and now he mentors speakers to help them have the impact they want to have. What with the economic crash, wouldn’t you think 2008 would’ve been the WORST time to start a new business venture? Not so! David explains why and gives so many nuggets of wisdom. Here are some of my take-always:• Quench your own thirst – what was the product you WISH was around that you need to WISH into existence?• Cold Calling Doesn’t work – now what? Find out his favorite over cold-calling.• Replace “sales and marketing” with “offer value, invite engagement.”• Social Media favs? He said he didn’t have one, but he does offer,“Fish where the fish are – know your prospect.”Whether you speak for your supper or need some practical marketing advice to grow your business (of ANY kind…) this is one of the best marketing books I’ve read. Definitely a keeper in your reference library – highly worth a read.