JV Crum III – The man with no home, but a lot of spirit
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Today on EAH, JV Crum III, an executive coach who educates coaches how to earn their next million. J V Crum III, JD, MBA, became a self-made entrepreneur millionaire in his twenties. He is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, certified business coach, licensed attorney, serial entrepreneur, Huffington Post Columnist on conscious business, and is host of the #1 Ranked “Conscious Millionaire Podcast”, which broadcasts M-F. He is the Founder and CEO of Conscious Millionaire Institute LLC, a global entrepreneur business coaching, training, and wealth-product business.
J V has been an entrepreneur since the age of 4 when he set up his pup tent to sell “hand-squeezed tangerine juice” to high-school students when they got off the bus. At the age of 5, he decided the answer to his family’s often rocky and uncertain financial life, was to grow up to become a millionaire. Like many kids who grew up with a lot of financial certainties, he dreamed of a different life.
By the age of twenty-five, he had realized that dream and celebrated by purchasing a new luxury home on the water and his first Mercedes. He had the “American Dream”.
Life was great, except for one thing. J V quickly realized that his childhood dream had not included the truly important parts of life, such as feeling a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Although he had all the trappings of wealth and success on the outside, he felt empty inside.
This awareness led him to two decades of searching, which included reading extensively in the areas of both human potential and spirituality, attending programs such as Tony Robbins, and participating in spiritual retreats. J V wanted more and was determined to discover the answer to what was missing in his life.
Learn about JV at http://consciousmillionaire.com/j-v-crum-iii-founder/