Creative Strategy Generation
Bob Caporale
Creative Strategy Generation is a step-by-step guide to creating truly original and successful business strategies by tapping into one’s own creative potential. Modeled on Sequent Learning Networks’ popular strategy building consultation program, the book uses compelling stories and examples drawn from music composition to show business practitioners how to produce their own “strategic masterpieces.”

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Bob Caporale, author of Creative Strategy Generation discusses in his new book how to compose a strategy using a creative process. This book is meant to be a guide to creating original and successful business strategies enabling individuals to think differently and then applying that thinking to something that hasn’t been done before. Caporale stresses the importance of not using fill in the blank templates for strategy for it’s about coming up with new ideas and making them your own.

The term “creative strategy” is generally used in two different contexts. In some instances, it is applied to the topic of developing a strategy specifically for a creative field – usually with respect to advertising or marketing communications. Other times, it is used to describe an overall business strategy that is creative in nature or, more specifically, that will result in some type of unique and emotionally important output. The book, Creative Strategy Generation wholly embraces the latter of these definitions; and here’s the reason why, as told by its author, Bob Caporale:
“In the context of the term “creative strategy,” when we use the word “creative” as an attributive noun rather than as an adjective, it indicates that we’re developing a strategy for one function (usually marketing) that is uniquely creative above all others. Yes, marketing is a creative function – but, then again, so is engineering, sales, operations, or just about any other discipline that invariably contributes to the overall success of a business. In this way, it’s not the activities of any singular “creative” department or function that we should be focusing on but, rather, the entire holistic process of achieving some overall business objective in a new and creative way.”

Bob Caporale is President of Sequent Learning Networks, a training and advisory firm focused on product management, product marketing, and strategic planning. He has more than 20 years of experience developing product, portfolio, and business unit strategies for large international corporations, both as an advisor and as an executive practitioner. Bob is an acclaimed thought leader on the subjects of strategic planning, product management, and business leadership. He uniquely draws upon a combination of diverse experiences as both a corporate leader and a musician/composer to explore the marriage of art and science within the business world. His goal is to help business practitioners infuse more passion and creativity into their jobs.