Leadership Starts (and Ends) in Your Head
Bob Dailey
Whether you manage a department of three employees, or an international organization with thousands of employees, one thing impacts your success more than anything else: Your Mental Approach It’s all in your head…the rest is detail! The way we approach our life, the attitude we bring every day, and our continuous focus on serving others are the keys to becoming a valued and trusted leader. Realizing that it’s not about you, concentrating solely on creating an environment where others can succeed is all that matters. Your success only happens when you help others and your organization achieve their success. Maybe you’ve never considered your mental approach to being a trusted leader. Perfect. Leadership Starts (and Ends) in Your Head by Bob Dailey will help you find and unleash the right mental approach … that thing that differentiates so-so managers from great leaders. Don’t have a ton of time? That’s okay. You can finish this book in about an hour. But, you’ll want to savor its bite-sized chapters one-at-a-time. This book will help you embrace the mental side of leadership … where true leaders spend most of their time.

Bob Dailey helps managers become leaders. He helps companies grow and scale. He graduated from Cal Poly Pomona in 1988 with a degree in Business, majoring in Computer Information Systems. He always knew that a business degree with a focus on computer systems would always be in high demand. Understatement of the century!
In over 28 years, he’s held leadership positions in industries as varied as defense contracting, technology outsourcing, healthcare, software development, and real estate finance. While each industry has significant differences, success in each has one major ingredient in common: Leadership. Organizations with solid and effective leadership prosper. Those with poor leadership almost always do the opposite.
Bob enjoys mountain biking, competitive stairclimbing, backpacking, camping, off-roading, traveling the world with his wife, and sometimes writing.