Pattern For Excellence
Brigham Dickinson
What brings us to WOW and keeps us delivering WOW Experiences is our commitment to that noble cause, mission, and purpose. Once you and your team are aligned behind your cause and have mastered the principles found in the Pattern for Excellence, you will WOW more customers!

Brigham Dickinson is president and founder of Power Selling Pros, a leading coaching and training firm dedicated to teaching businesses to wow more customers. Brigham started Power Selling Pros when he saw that call handlers needed assistance consistently converting calls to bookings. As a result, Brigham answered the need by creating the Pattern for Excellence, a sequence of principles that guides call handlers through all stages of a call, from greeting to closure. In 2009, Power Selling Pros trained six call handlers – now they’re up to 450, from more than 130 companies around the globe. Power Selling Pros’ growth comes through referrals alone, thanks to this proven call-handling process and their high level of customer satisfaction.
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