Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis (2nd Edition)
C. Roy Hunter
Instead of just teaching you what to change, this book teaches you how to change…and to empower yourself by getting your subconscious to accept your conscious decisions. It explains why will-power alone often does not work, and will show you why self-hypnosis can teach your subconscious to cooperate with your conscious desires. With this handbook, you will learn innovative empowerment exercises that teach relaxation techniques, stress management, how to overcome insomnia and help you establish priorities in your life.

How often have you tried to overcome an undesired habit or create a new habit, only to find your subconscious resisting? Learn how to make your subconscious become your servant instead of your slave-master. Identifying your benefits of achieving a goal is an important step; and then you can sell your goal to the subconscious by fantasizing your benefits while enjoying a relaxed state of mind.
My book, MASTERING THE POWER OF SELF-HYPNOSIS, explains how to do the above in a step-by-step process. It includes mental exercises to help you manage stress as well. Included is a chapter that discusses the five gateways to your subconscious so that you can guard what enters the gateways of your mind. Also included are exercises to help you PRIORITIZE your goals.
This book, published by Crown House Publishing, comes highly praised by professionals.
–Roy Hunter

Roy Hunter teaches professional hypnosis and advanced techniques for professionals and self hypnosis to groups and clients for personal or professional motivation. He was specially selected to carry on the work of the late Charles Tebbetts and was recognized by three different organizations for lifetime achievement in hypnotherapy. He has authored several highly praised books for the hypnotherapy profession that are recommended reading by numerous professional hypnosis schools around the world.