Leading Innovation: Build a Scalable, Innovative Organization
Christopher S. Penn
One of the most used words in business – yet one of the least understood. Without it, companies stagnate and die.
Everyone talks about being innovative. Every company has innovation buried somewhere in its corporate values, mission statement, or corporate vision. It’s slapped onto press releases and planted in headlines to drive traffic, the business equivalent of a small child screaming “look at me!” in the back seat.
Why is innovation important? What does it look like? How do we get there?
Not everyone is a creative genius. Not everyone can pull a rabbit out of a hat. I’m in that boat, just like most of you. I am less inventor, more tinkerer.
Enter the innovation formula and the plus path, tools to help you distill innovation’s core concepts with an easy-to-understand framework.
In this book, we’ll discuss how you can build similar successes in your life — we’ll discover the innovation spectrum to benchmark where you are and where you’re going, study ways to implement and scale innovation in any industry, and ultimately create long-lasting organizational success.

About the Author
Christopher S. Penn is an authority on digital marketing and marketing technology. A recognized thought leader, author, and speaker, he has shaped three key fields in the marketing industry: Google Analytics adoption, data-driven marketing and PR, and email marketing. Known for his high-octane, here’s how to get it done approach, his expertise benefits companies such as Citrix Systems, McDonald’s, GoDaddy, McKesson, and many others. His latest work, Leading Innovation, teaches organizations how to implement and scale innovative practices to direct change. Christopher is a highly-sought keynote speaker thanks to his energetic, informative talks. In 2015, he delivered insightful, innovative talks on all aspects of marketing and analytics at over 30 events to critical acclaim: Seriously, I think @cspenn is the smartest #socialmedia marketer I’ve ever met. Freaking love @cspenn this guy is beyond smart yet is engaging & can simplify it… Awesome stuff! @cspenn You have an uncanny knack for bringing relevance and sense of numbers at data. Loved your keynote and session at #SMMW15. Others who recognize Christopher’s work include: Forbes Magazine and MediaPost recognized him as one of the top 50 most influential people in social media and digital marketing from 2012-2015. C-Suite Networks named him a Social Media Legend in 2015. PR Week named him one of the Innovation 50, the top 50 most innovative communicators in the world in 2015. PR News named him Social Media Person of the Year, Social Media Icon MVP, and Agency Professional of the Year in 2014. He is a founding member of IBM’s Watson Analytics Predictioneers, co-founder of the groundbreaking PodCamp Conference, and co-host of the Marketing Over Coffee marketing podcast. Christopher is a Google Analytics Certified Professional and a Google AdWords Certified Professional. He is the author of over two dozen marketing books including bestsellers such as Marketing White Belt: Basics for the Digital Marketer, Marketing Red Belt: Connecting With Your Creative Mind, and Marketing Blue Belt: From Data Zero to Marketing Hero. His new book, Leading Innovation, debuts in 2016.